5 Tips For Choosing A Project Management Company

Choosing the right project management company is critical to success for complex industrial projects.

These firms bring essential expertise in project management methodologies and stakeholder alignment to ensure project goals are met.

However, selecting the best from a multitude of companies boasting superior skills and success can take time and effort.

This article offers five targeted tips to guide your decision and ensure that you partner with a company that aligns with your client expectations and business strategy.

With the right team, like STEVENS Engineers & Constructors, your project is poised for successful completion within its scope and timeline.

Table Of Contents

  1. Are They Focused On Their Clients?
  2. Do They Understand Your Project's Scope?
  3. Do They Have Actionable Strategies and Backup Plans?
  4. What Does Their Track Record Look Like?
  5. Trust Your Instincts


What's A Project Manager?

A project manager is the linchpin in developing business and creative projects across various industries.

Employing an array of project management methodologies, such as Agile and Waterfall, strategically manages project deliverables.

The role involves delegating tasks among the project team members, consistently tracking project progress through status reports, and brainstorming to enhance the existing project outline.

Strong communication and leadership skills make project managers adept at navigating challenges and adapting plans on the fly to meet project goals and objectives.

This skill set is crucial in risk management and problem-solving, ensuring successful project management and the completion of projects on time and within scope.

Their role extends beyond task delegation to creating and systematizing processes, thus fostering a unified vision and team alignment within their organizations.


1. Are The Project managers Focused On Their Clients?

A project management company has a fundamental responsibility to focus on their clients.

It’s essential to evaluate how a project management team prioritizes client communication and relationship building.

Look for tangible proof of their client-centric approach, such as successful project completion rates, reduction in scope creep, and efficiency in cost management.

Assess how deeply they involve themselves in projects and whether they offer direct access to consultants for both urgent and planned meetings.

Effective project managers manage tasks and align their efforts with the client's business strategy, ensuring that the project aligns with the client's long-term objectives.

This commitment to client focus is vital to achieving successful project outcomes.


2. Do They Understand Your Project's Scope?

Selecting a project management company that grasps the scope of your project, no matter its complexity is vital.

The firm should demonstrate a clear understanding of your project's needs and scope and align its strategy accordingly.

An adept project management team will utilize a well-defined project scope statement encompassing project objectives, deliverables, timeline, and budget to ensure they deliver the desired outcome.

This understanding is crucial for effectively allocating resources, risk assessment, and maintaining project timelines within the specified budget.

Ensure the firm can articulate a comprehensive and clear vision for your project, reflecting their deep understanding of its unique challenges and goals.


3. Do They Have Actionable Strategies and Backup Plans?

It's crucial for project management firms to not only devise robust plans but also prepare for the unexpected changes and challenges inherent in the project life cycle.

Real-world complexities often diverge from theoretical plans.

A competent project management company will have a primary strategy and a contingency plan, encompassing risk management planning, resource forecasting, and scope management to adapt to unforeseen circumstances.

Assess whether the firm employs methods like Work Breakdown structures (WBS) and Gantt Charts for detailed project planning and whether it has proven strategies for handling scope creep and resource allocation.

A firm's ability to pivot and realign resources in response to project dynamics is a testament to their seriousness and reliability in managing your project successfully.


4. What Does Their Track Record Look Like?

Choosing a project management company with a proven track record is vital.

It's not just about their claimed success but their demonstrated ability to adapt and pivot in response to project challenges.

Investigate their history of managing scope creep, maintaining resource allocation, and meeting project milestones.

Ask for specific examples of how they've successfully navigated unforeseen issues in past projects, and inquire about their strategies for ensuring project health and timely completion.

Consider their use of project tracking software and KPIs to gauge their efficiency and effectiveness.

This insight will give you confidence in their capacity to take your project seriously and deliver successful outcomes.


5. Trust Your Instincts

In the world of project management, trusting your instincts is crucial.

Even when faced with project management firms with impressive track records, your gut feeling plays a pivotal role.

When deliberating between multiple competent companies, intuition can be your guiding force.

Effective project managers often rely on their instincts, especially when making complex decisions that involve many variables and uncertainties.

If something about a potential engineering firm feels off, it's wise to trust that instinct.

This intuitive approach, balanced with a thorough understanding of project management processes and methodologies, can help you choose a partner that resonates with your company's values and project objectives.

Remember, a successful project outcome often depends on the synergy between your team and the chosen project management company.


What Could Happen If You Hire The Wrong Project Management Company?

Hiring the wrong project management company can have significant repercussions on your project's overall success and future progress.

The impacts of an ill-suited partnership can be far-reaching, affecting everything from the project size to the ultimate project outcomes.

  1. Compromised Project Goals: A mismatched project management company may lack the necessary expertise or business strategy insight, leading to a misunderstanding of your target market and project goals. This can result in project outcomes that do not align with your intended vision or business objectives.
  2. Inadequate Skills and Expertise: The absence of skilled project managers can lead to a lack of necessary soft skills and technical expertise. This inadequacy can derail your project from its intended course.
  3. Poor Client Relationship Management: Potential clients expect effective communication and a strong client relationship. The wrong company might lack these qualities, leading to miscommunications, unmet expectations, and a strained relationship between you and your stakeholders.
  4. Inefficient Resource and Scope Management: Without proficient scope management, your project might suffer from scope creep, which can lead to uncontrolled changes or continuous growth in project size, drastically affecting the project's budget and timeline.
  5. Risk to Future Success and Chance of Success: The ripple effect of hiring the wrong project management company can compromise the immediate success of the current project and the future success of subsequent initiatives.
  6. Internal Team Dynamics and Morale Issues: The wrong project management company may not integrate well with internal teams, disrupting team dynamics and lowering team morale. This disconnection can lead to inefficient project execution and poor team performance.
  7. Increased Costs and Consulting Fees: A mismatch in project management efforts might result in increased costs due to inefficient management, unnecessary consulting fees, and potential project delays.
  8. Technical Challenges: Lack of expertise in handling specific tools or software developers can lead to technical inadequacies, affecting the detailed analysis and execution of the project.

To mitigate these risks, it's crucial to undertake a thorough hiring process, ensuring the project management company aligns with your project needs and organizational culture.

Remember, the right company can be a catalyst for your project's success, while the wrong choice can lead to significant setbacks.


Contact STEVENS Today

Project management is disciplined in initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and project closure to meet our stakeholder expectations successfully.

We are known for our ability to assemble ideal teams for each unique project, and we carefully oversee every aspect of design and construction for the ultimate results.

Acting as the critical link between the client and the various engineering, construction, and vendor groups, STEVENS Engineers & Constructors coordinates everything with clear communication.

If you have a construction project and need help managing the entire process, contact STEVENS Engineers & Constructors today by clicking on the button below to work with an experienced project management team.




About The Author


I'm Ben Sparhawk, the Content Writer and Marketing Account Manager for the esteemed STEVENS company. As someone passionate about crafting captivating content, I take great pride in creating pieces that highlight STEVENS' capabilities and communicate the depth and breadth of their outstanding work.

In my role, I'm constantly striving to develop messaging that resonates with our clients and effectively showcases the exceptional work that we do here at STEVENS. I believe that communication is the key to success, and I work tirelessly to ensure our marketing efforts are engaging and informative.

When I'm not working, I often spend time with my three wonderful children. Becoming a dad is one of the best things that has happened to me, and I love every moment I get to spend with my wife and kids. You can also find me in the gym, trying to better myself, and I also enjoy spending time outdoors hiking or checking out local parks.